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Sodium Bisulfate - 50lb. Bag
Sodium Bisulfate - 50lb. Bag
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Sodium Bisulfate SDS
Sodium Bisulfate Spec Sheet
Sodium Bisulfate 50lb Bag (Hi Res JPEG)
Used to lower pH and Alkalinity, Sodium Bisulfate is also known as "pH Decreaser," pH Down," or "pH Minus." Sodium Bisulfate is granular, and is commonly referred to as "dry acid" (as opposed to the liquid Muriatic Acid, which is an alternative to lowering pH and Alkalinity). Read the instructions on the label to determine the amount to add, how it must be added (either diluted in water or broadcast straight from the container), a maximum amount (per 10,000 gallons of water) that can be added at one time, and other precautions.